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Air Filters

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The DNA FCd design or "Welcome to the Future"! At least 20% and up to 80% more filtration area, using DNA FCd technology is common. The unique revolutionary design, an innovation by DNA, allows the pleated filtering media to follow precisely the air box contour, regardless the complexity of the shape, seriously increasing air flow. Taking advantage of the complete footprint of the air box, we eliminate "dead spots" that rob power. If the area is there why not use it!



DNA AIR FILTER SERVICE KITContent: 220 ml OIL & 270 ml CLEANERThe DNA Air Filter will serve you ..


RS660 2020-21


RS660  2020-21   ..


RSV4 2015-21


RSV4 2015-21  ..


675r 2013-17


675r 2013-17 ..


S1000rr 2008-19


  S1000rr  2008-19 ..


S1000rr 2020-22


 S1000rr 2020-22 ..


CBR1000rr 2008-15


CBR1000rr 2008-15  ..


CBR1000rr 2017-19


CBR1000rr 2017-19 ..


CBR1000rrr 20-21


 CBR1000rrr 20-21    ..


CBR600rr 2007-20


CBR600rr 2007-20 ..


R1 2015-21


 R1 2015-21 ..


R6 2006-07


R6 2006-07 ..


R6 2008-20


R6 2008-20 ..


R3 2015 up


R3 2015 up ..


GSXR 1000 2017 up


GSXR 1000 2017 up ..


GSXR 600/750 2011 up


GSXR 600/750 2011 up    ..


GSXR1000 2009-2016


GSXR1000  2009-2016 ..


ZX10 2016 up


 ZX10  2016 up ..


Ninja 400 2018 up


   Ninja 400 2018 up  ..


Kawasaki ZX6R 2015 up


Kawasaki ZX6R  2015 up ..

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)